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General terms and conditions

1.1. Definitions used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement or as described below:
a. General Terms and Conditions: General Terms and Conditions for the use and provision of the Services.
b. Services: the services provided by AlphaPort to Customers as described in the Agreement.
c. End User: a natural person who, under the responsibility of the Client, uses and can log in as a user in the environment of the Client’s Software.
d. Client: the person who purchases the Services based on the Agreement.
e. Agreement: the order confirmation, confirmation email, agreement or addendum or similar legally binding document on the basis of which Client and AlphaPort agree on the provision of the Services.
f. Party(ies): AlphaPort and Customer individually as Party or jointly as Parties.
g. Software: the Service consisting of a software functionality made available and kept available to Client ‘remotely’ via the Internet or another data network on the basis of Software as a Service.
h. AlphaPort: the legal entity – in this case AlphaPort Software – which is part of GreenLine Computers and which provides the Services as further specified in the Agreement.
i. AlphaPort Software: AlphaPort Software and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries.
2.1. These General Conditions shall apply to all offers and agreements, including the Agreement, whereby Services are provided by AlphaPort to Client.
2.2. AlphaPort shall be entitled during the term of the Agreement to amend these General Terms and Conditions after prior written notice to the Customer with due observance of a period of at least 2 months before they come into effect. In the event that an amendment results in a material deterioration of the position of the Customer, the Customer shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement by the date of entry that comes into force of the amended General Terms and Conditions.
2.3. If any provision of the General Conditions is null and void or destroyed, the other provisions of the General Conditions shall remain in full force. AlphaPort shall in this case inform the client about a new provision to replace the void or voided provisions to be agreed upon, taking into account as much as possible the purpose and meaning of the void or voided provisions.
2.4. Oral communications, undertakings, offers or agreements shall expressly have no legal force unless they have been confirmed in writing by AlphaPort.
3.1. AlphaPort shall endeavor to perform the Services as a good contractor and with care in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement and the General Conditions. The Services shall be performed on the basis of an obligation to perform to the best of one’s ability unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
3.2. Customer shall provide the information and cooperation considered necessary for AlphaPort, in all reasonableness for the execution of the Agreement, in a timely manner. Customer shall guarantee that the information provided by it is correct and complete.
3.3. Customer is responsible for the management, including control of the settings, of the use of the Services provided by AlphaPort and the way in which the results of the Services are deployed. Customer is also responsible for instruction to and use by End Users.
3.4. In case employees of AlphaPort perform work on site of the Customer, the Customer shall provide the facilities reasonably required by these employees, such as a working space with computer, data and telecommunication facilities, free of charge. The workspace and facilities shall comply with all legal and other applicable requirements regarding working conditions. Customer shall make the house and security rules applicable within its organization known to the employees deployed by AlphaPort before commencement of the work.
4.1. When using the Software, the Customer adds data to the Software (Customer Data) and usage data is generated by the End Users (hereinafter “Usage Data”), collectively referred to as Data. Customer Data and Usage Data may include both Personal Data and Non-Personal Data.
4.2. Data consists of:
A. Technical information and traffic data, such as operating system type, browser type, device, keyboard language and IP address;
B. Aggregated data generated by Customers or End Users, such as length of sessions, number of invoices sent, fiscal years created, password resets, and the like, number and type of documents and files processed;
C. Non-aggregated data generated by Customers or End Users, such as the context and content of support tickets, chat boxes and security logs;
D. Production data, such as images, files or databases of Customer data, subject to strict safeguards.
4.3. The use of Data, as set forth above, is limited to the following purposes:
A. Improvement of the software and user experience, for example by analyzing aggregated usage patterns, enabling individual user preferences, or as explained before for limited production data.
B. Marketing and displaying relevant information, for example to include additional or value-added Software and providing relevant market updates or information.
C. Security and related purposes, for example by analyzing session and login data (including in real time), incident records and the like in order to prevent, investigate and document security problems and incidents (such as breaches, fraud and various forms of hacking), and to improve the security of the Software.
D. Statistics and research, for example regarding the number of invoices passing through our systems, including the use of aggregated and anonymous statistics in general marketing, and as Software or value-added services, such as in-app market statistics relevant to the Customer.
E. AlphaPort is authorized to utilize and analyze Usage Data for compliance purposes with the Terms and Conditions, such as by logging when a Customer accepts the Terms and Conditions.
F. Development and testing, for example by analyzing aggregated usage patterns, providing Data for developing new technologies and products, improving user experience, testing the load of new or updated Software, or technology feasibility.
4.4. AlphaPort may also use relevant information from publicly or commercially available sources and combine such information with Data as described above, for example to provide search functions in business registries.
4.5. The use of Data for the above purposes is conditional upon such use complying with applicable law, including the necessary security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the Data. To the extent in which Personal Data is part of such Data processing, it must be anonymized. If anonymization is not possible for technical or practical reasons, AlphaPort will implement alternative measures to ensure the same level of protection.
4.6. AlphaPort has the ability to share data with other companies within the AlphaPort Software, vendors, and partners, subject to the same conditions and limitations outlined in this section. AlphaPort will share Data with third parties only in the following situations:
A. to comply with laws or regulations, or to respond to a legally binding request from authorities, such as a court order or warrant;
B. to investigate or prevent serious security or fraud threats;
C. a reorganization, merger, sale or purchase of AlphaPort, in whole or in part, in which confidential information may be disclosed to other AlphaPort Software companies, or to prospective purchasers who comply with the obligations contained herein through a confidentiality agreement.
4.7. Except as otherwise provided herein, AlphaPort shall not sell, rent or lease Data to any third party.
4.8. AlphaPort will promptly notify Customer of any request for disclosure of Data received directly from government agencies, unless such notification is prohibited by law. AlphaPort will not respond to such requests unless authorized by the Customer. AlphaPort will disclose Data to governmental authorities only to comply with legally binding requests, such as a court order or warrant.
4.9. Customer remains the rightful owner of the Data. The Client itself determines and is responsible for how the Data is stored, edited, processed or otherwise entered using the Software. AlphaPort is not obliged to check the accuracy and completeness of the Data and is therefore not liable for the consequences of the use of incorrect and/or incomplete Data provided by the Client. The Client indemnifies AlphaPort against claims by third parties for compensation for damage that these third parties could in any way recover from AlphaPort, insofar as this claim is based on the use made of the Software by the Client.
5.1. All intellectual property rights to the Software or other materials developed under the Agreement or made available to the Customer shall rest exclusively with AlphaPort, its licensors or suppliers. The Customer shall acquire the rights of use expressly granted by these General Terms and Conditions, the Agreement and the law. Any right of use granted to Customer is non-transferable, non-pledgeable and non-sublicensable.
5.2. AlphaPort shall indemnify Customer against any claim by a third party based on the allegation that Software or other materials developed by AlphaPort itself infringe an intellectual property right of that third party, on the condition that Customer informs AlphaPort immediately in writing of the existence and content of the claim and leaves the handling of the case, including making any settlements, entirely to AlphaPort. To this end, Customer shall provide AlphaPort with the necessary powers of attorney, information and cooperation to defend itself against these claims. This obligation to indemnify shall lapse if the alleged infringement is related (i) to materials made available to AlphaPort by the Client for use, adaptation, processing or maintenance, or (ii) to changes made or caused to be made to the Software or other materials by the Client without the written consent of AlphaPort. If it has been irrevocably established in law that the Software or other materials developed by the Customer infringe any intellectual property right belonging to a third party or if, in the opinion of AlphaPort, there is a good chance that such an infringement will occur, AlphaPort shall, if possible, ensure that the Customer can continue to use the delivered, or functionally equivalent other Software. Any other or further indemnification obligation of AlphaPort due to infringement of an intellectual property right of a third party is excluded.
6.1. The rates to be paid by Customer to AlphaPort shall be stated in (an appendix to) the Agreement.
6.2. All rates are exclusive of VAT and in Euro`s.
6.3. The Customer can never derive any rights or expectations from a pre-calculation or estimate issued by AlphaPort. An available budget made known to AlphaPort by the Customer shall never apply as a (fixed) price agreed between the Parties for the performances to be delivered by AlphaPort. AlphaPort shall only be obliged to inform the Customer if this has been agreed between the Parties in writing in the event of an imminent overrun of a preliminary calculation or budget issued by AlphaPort.
6.4. AlphaPort shall be entitled per 1 January of each calendar year to increase the rates annually on the basis of indexation or as a result of general price and cost increases, unless less than three months have elapsed since entering into the Agreement. AlphaPort may also change the fees for the Services twice a year after giving Customer at least 3 months’ notice.
6.5. The Parties shall lay down in the Agreement the date or dates on which AlphaPort shall charge the fee for the agreed performance to Customer. Amounts due shall be paid by Customer in accordance with the payment conditions agreed or stated on the invoice. In the absence of a specific arrangement, Customer shall pay within a period of 30 days after the invoice date. Payment shall be made to a bank account to be specified by AlphaPort. If Customer does not agree with the amount stated on the invoice, Customer shall report this to AlphaPort in writing, with substantiation, within 30 days of the date of the invoice. After expiry of the aforementioned term, Customer is deemed to have agreed to the invoice. Customer shall not be entitled to suspend any payment nor to set off amounts due.
6.6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all fees are due in advance and not refundable, including unused credits, user accounts, Software or remaining days in a subscription period. This applies unless the availability of the Software has been significantly reduced for reasons solely attributable to AlphaPort. AlphaPort may at its sole discretion and as its sole remedy offer a reasonable refund for fees accrued during such period of reduced availability.
6.7. If Customer fails to pay the amounts due within the agreed period, Customer shall, immediately and without any further notice of default being required, owe the statutory interest for commercial transactions on the outstanding amount. If the claim is outsourced, Customer is also obliged to pay a reasonable compensation for the extrajudicial costs and, the actual costs involved in legal proceedings, related to the collection of this claim or the exercise of justice otherwise.
6.8. If Customer fails to comply with its obligations to AlphaPort and is in default, AlphaPort shall be entitled, after careful consideration of interests and a written notice, to suspend the further execution of the Agreement, in full or in part.
6.9. Additional work shall only be invoiced with the next invoice or after completion of the additional work after written order by the Customer. Additional work means the work that falls outside the content or scope of the work agreed upon in writing.
7.1. Each Party may obtain Confidential Information from the other Party that is reasonably believed to be proprietary, confidential or competitively sensitive to the providing Party (Confidential Information). The Parties shall keep Confidential Information confidential and take reasonable measures to protect the Confidential Information of the other Party, and shall not disclose it to third parties unless authorized to do so by the other Party, or if required by mandatory legal provisions.
7.2. Client acknowledges that the Services performed by AlphaPort are always confidential in nature and contain trade secrets of AlphaPort, its suppliers or the manufacturer of the Software.
7.3. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, AlphaPort shall be permitted to mention the entering into or existence of the Agreement in one or more (press) releases. AlphaPort shall be entitled to place the name and logo of the Client on the AlphaPort website and/or a reference list and to make these available to third parties for information purposes.
8.1. Insofar as the Agreement entails processing of personal data by AlphaPort on behalf of and for purposes of the Customer, AlphaPort shall hereby act as Processor and the Customer as Controller. In this capacity, AlphaPort shall comply with all legal obligations incumbent on it as a processor. AlphaPort shall process the personal data under the conditions as set out in the Processor Agreement applicable between the Parties, attached to these General Terms and Conditions as Annex 1.
9.1. All terms mentioned by AlphaPort have been established to the best of its knowledge based on the information known to AlphaPort at the time of entering into the agreement and shall be observed as much as possible.
9.2. Insofar as delivery dates and/or deadlines are stated in any Agreement, appendix, plan of action or offer, these are indicative and do not constitute deadlines, unless expressly provided otherwise. In all cases, therefore also if the Parties have expressly agreed a deadline in writing, AlphaPort shall only be in default after it has been placed in default properly, in detail and in writing by the Customer and AlphaPort still fails to comply properly after the expiry of a reasonable period given in that notice of default.
9.3. AlphaPort shall not be bound by (delivery) terms that can no longer be met due to circumstances beyond its control that occurred after entering into the Agreement. If the exceeding of any term is imminent, AlphaPort and the Customer shall consult as soon as possible.
10.1. If for AlphaPort (for example by the service center, by sales personnel, or by consultants) substantive information or advice is provided to employees of the Customer in the field of taxation, laws and regulations and/or other subjects of a legal or administrative nature, this is done on condition and in the expectation that the Customer verifies the information and/or advice or has it verified by experts. AlphaPort accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy and/or completeness of this information/advice.
11.1. AlphaPorts total liability due to an attributable failure in complying with the Agreement or on any legal ground whatsoever, expressly including any failure in complying with a guarantee obligation or indemnification agreed with the Customer, shall be limited to compensation for direct damage up to a maximum of the amount of the price (excluding VAT) stipulated for that Agreement. If the agreement is primarily a continuing performance agreement with a term of more than one year, the price stipulated for that agreement shall be set at the total of the fees (excluding VAT) stipulated for one year. In no case shall the total liability, cumulative liability of AlphaPort for whatever reason exceed EUR 50,000 (fifty thousand euros).
11.2. AlphaPort can only be held liable to compensation for direct damage. Direct damage shall be understood to mean exclusively: (a) the costs incurred by Customer for keeping its old system or systems and associated facilities operational longer out of necessity due to AlphaPorts failure to perform on a date binding for it, less any savings resulting from the delayed performance; (b) reasonable costs incurred to establish the cause and extent of the damage, to the extent that the establishment relates to direct damage in the sense of this article; c) reasonable costs incurred to prevent, limit or repair damage, insofar as Customer demonstrates that these costs have led to the limitation of direct damage within the meaning of this article; d) the costs of emergency provisions, such as switching to other systems, hiring third parties or using emergency procedures or deviating working methods.
11.3. AlphaPort shall not be liable for any indirect damage, including loss of turnover and profit, loss of data, (damage) claims from third parties, fines or additional levies, missed earnings or savings, loss of reputation or image or other indirect damage or consequential damage arising from or in connection with the failure to comply with any obligation or any unlawful action by AlphaPort.
11.4. The condition for any right to compensation shall always be that the Customer reports the damage to AlphaPort in writing as soon as possible after discovery (but no later than within one (1) month).
11.5. AlphaPorts liability for damage to material or property shall never exceed a total of EUR 25,000 (twenty-five thousand euros). The previous paragraphs of this article shall not apply if and to the extent that the damage concerned was caused by intent or deliberate recklessness of customers.
12.1. In case of force majeure of one of the Parties, the obligations under this Agreement shall be suspended as long as the force majeure situation continues. Force majeure shall also include a failure of AlphaPorts suppliers. However, the suspension shall not apply to the obligations to which the force majeure does not relate and/or the obligations that have already arisen before the force majeure situation occurred.
12.2. If the force majeure situation lasts longer than sixty days, the Parties shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement by registered letter unless it is foreseeable that the force majeure situation will be resolved within a reasonable period of time. What has already been performed as a result of the Agreement will in that case be settled proportionately, without the Parties owing each other anything else.
13.1. AlphaPort shall be permitted to deploy third parties in the execution of its obligations. The effect of article 7:404 of the Civil Code is hereby expressly excluded. The Customer shall not be permitted to transfer the rights under the Agreement to a third party without prior written consent from AlphaPort.
14.1. The Agreement shall commence on the date agreed upon in the Agreement or, failing that, the date of signature of the Agreement by both Parties. The Agreement is entered into for the term specified in the Agreement or, in the absence thereof, for an initial term of one (1) month. After expiration of the initial period, the Agreement is tacitly renewed each time for a period equal to the initial period.
14.2. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the Parties shall only be entitled to terminate the Agreement in writing by the end of the agreed term of the Agreement with due observance of a notice period of one (1) month.
14.3. Unless expressly provided otherwise in the General Conditions or agreed in the Agreement, the Parties are not permitted to terminate the Agreement prematurely. Section 7:408 of the Dutch Civil Code shall not apply.
14.4. In addition to the right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Clause 14.2, a Party is entitled to terminate the Agreement in whole or in part with immediate effect, without notice of default and without judicial intervention, without incurring any obligation to compensate any damage suffered by the Parties, if one of the following circumstances occurs:
a. the other Party is declared bankrupt;
b. the other Party is granted suspension of payment (provisional or otherwise);
c. the other Party’s business is liquidated or discontinued.
14.5. In case of dissolution, the dissolution will only have effect for the obligations arising after the moment of dissolution and will therefore not have retroactive effect.
14.6. Upon termination of the Agreement, all rights of Customer with respect to the Services shall expire. Rights and obligations from the Agreement between AlphaPort and Customer, which by their nature and content are intended to continue, including on intellectual property, liability, confidentiality, force majeure and dispute resolution, shall remain in full force after termination or dissolution of the Agreement.
15.1. The provisions as described in this Article 15 shall apply exclusively to the provision of Services by AlphaPort and the use thereof by the Client if it concerns Software.
Execution of Software
15.2. AlphaPort shall make every effort to ensure that the agreed Software always functions properly and shall strive for the highest possible availability, quality and security of the Software. AlphaPort reserves the right to make interim changes to the technical and functional properties of the Software to improve it and to correct any errors or to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If such a modification leads to a material deviation in the functionality of the Software, AlphaPort shall inform Client thereof in writing or electronically.
15.3. AlphaPort does not guarantee that the Software will function without errors, failures or interruptions. AlphaPort shall endeavour to repair defects in the Software, equipment, infrastructure and/or management environment within a reasonable period of time if and insofar as it concerns Software, equipment, infrastructure or management environment developed or built by AlphaPort itself and the defects concerned have been reported to AlphaPort by the Customer in detail. AlphaPort may, where appropriate, postpone repairing the defects until a new version of the Software, equipment, infrastructure or management environment is put into use. AlphaPort cannot guarantee that all faults will be repaired. AlphaPort is entitled to introduce temporary solutions or program workarounds or problem avoiding restrictions in the Software.
15.4. AlphaPort may temporarily take all or part of the Software out of operation for preventive, corrective or adaptive maintenance or other forms of service. AlphaPort must ensure that the suspension of service does not last longer than necessary, and if feasible, that it takes place outside of its regular working hours.
15.5. AlphaPort may continue the execution of the Software using a new or modified version of the Software. AlphaPort is not obliged to maintain, modify or add features or functionalities of the service or Software specifically for the Customer.
15.6. In the event of introducing a replacement application with equivalent and/or more extensive functionality than the existing Software, AlphaPort shall be permitted to migrate Client to this replacement application, which shall then be a Software in the sense of the Agreement. In such cases, AlphaPort shall be entitled to charge Customer reasonable costs for the migration separately. AlphaPort shall announce these costs in advance. If the Customer then indicates that he does not wish to bear the costs, the Parties shall have the right to terminate the Agreement prematurely subject to a notice period of one year. The Client may use the original Software during this notice period.
15.7 AlphaPort shall be entitled to communicate directly with end users within the Software (i) insofar as this is necessary with a view to guaranteeing the security and/or quality of its services (ii) to make announcements regarding maintenance or new functionalities and/or products, or (iii) to offer related additional services directly.
Access to the Software
15.8. For the use of the Software, user name and password shall be generated per End User, in accordance with the protocols prescribed by AlphaPort, by AlphaPort and/or Client, with which the Software can be used by an End User. This user name and password are non-transferable and strictly personal. Client and Each End User are responsible for the confidential use of user name, password and for (the consequences of) any misuse thereof.
15.9. AlphaPort is entitled to block access to the Software in case of unauthorized use or misuse of the Software by the Client and/or End User and/or in case of unauthorized use of the Software by third parties. If this is reasonably possible in view of the urgency of the case, AlphaPort shall inform the End User of this prior to blocking. AlphaPort shall never be obliged to pay any compensation to the End User due to blocking in the aforementioned cases.
15.10. The Client guarantees that he, and the End User, will observe the following rules when using the Software:
A. Customer and End User will protect its (peripheral) equipment, software, infrastructure and Internet connection against viruses, computer crime and (other) unlawful use by user(s) or third parties;
B. Customer and End User shall not disturb or damage the Software, (computer) networks or infrastructures of AlphaPort or other users, or cause nuisance, restricted use or unforeseen use (for other users) with respect thereto;
C. Client and End User shall not misuse means of access or breach and/or attempt to breach the security of the Software;
D. Customer and End User shall not do anything or omit to do anything which he knows or should reasonably have known could lead to use of the Software that is punishable or unlawful towards AlphaPort and/or third parties;
E. The Client and End User shall not penetrate a computer system or part thereof connected to the Software without permission (hacking);
F. Customer and End User shall not infringe any intellectual property rights of AlphaPort and/or third parties in connection with the Services in any way; and
G. Customer and End User shall not disclose, duplicate or otherwise apply any information and data provided by AlphaPort in connection with the Software other than for use in Customer’s internal business operations.
H. The use of the Software by Client and End User is at their own discretion and risk and Client and End User are solely responsible for any damage to a computer system or loss of data resulting from the use of the Software.
I. Client is obliged to report immediately to AlphaPort any errors discovered in the Software made available by AlphaPort.
Integrations and data exchanges with third parties.
15.11. Customer may enter into an agreement with third parties in order to enter into integrations / data exchanges and/or purchase services in addition to the Services.
15.12. Customer shall enter into agreements mentioned in Article 15.11 directly with relevant third parties, where AlphaPort (in its capacity as supplier of the Services) is in no way a party involved. Such parties are not sub-processors of AlphaPort and AlphaPort is not liable in any form for the actions of these parties.
15.13. If Client chooses to (directly) connect / integrate the environment of the Software with a third party, whether or not making use of one or more AlphaPort links, Client hereby grants AlphaPort permission for the exchange of data between AlphaPort and the party concerned insofar as this is considered by this party to be required for the services. This may include the exchange of personal data and the storage of access or identification codes / tokens for the purpose of realizing this data exchange / integration.
15.14. The Client is responsible for correctly arranging and implementing integrations and/or data exchanges (including authorizations), whether or not using one or more AlphaPort interfaces, between the Software and third party(ies) chosen by the Client. AlphaPort is never responsible and/or liable for the (correct) functioning of software of the Client and/or third parties that communicate / exchange data with the Software using the interfaces of AlphaPort.
15.15. If Customer uses one or more interfaces made available by AlphaPort, a non-transferable and non-sublicensable right of use is granted to Customer for the duration of the Agreement to use the interface within his own organization for internal purposes only. AlphaPort reserves the right to charge additional costs for the use of the links by Customer and/or third party(ies).
15.16. AlphaPort is permitted, at its own discretion, to apply a request restriction (“throttling”) at the time when the traffic generated by Customer through the link burdens AlphaPort’s system to such an extent that it degrades or hinders performance for other users.
Consequences of termination of Software.
15.17. After termination of the Agreement, the Client may request a one-time delivery of the data entered when using the Software. AlphaPort shall make the data available to the Client in a generally accepted format so that these data can be reasonably processed by the Client. Other than possibly pursuant to provisions of mandatory Dutch law, AlphaPort does not accept any retention obligation or retention period for the data and information entered by the Client. In the event that the Client has not indicated immediately after termination of the Agreement that he wishes the aforementioned transfer of the data, AlphaPort shall be entitled to remove and destroy data stored, edited, processed or otherwise entered with the aid of the Software from the system on which it is stored immediately, without prior notice.
15.18. In addition to the provisions of Article 15.17, in the event of termination of the Agreement (other than in the event of termination by AlphaPort), the Parties shall always cooperate in good faith in any support desired by the Customer after the Agreement has expired in the migration of the services to the Customer or to a third party to be designated by the Customer (exit period). However, AlphaPort cannot be obliged to provide this cooperation for a period longer than 3 months and its efforts during the exit period are based on best effort and as far as commercially (to be judged by AlphaPort) reasonable. Uninterrupted availability of the data and Services as much as possible is central during the exit period. The parties shall consult no later than 3 months before the end of the agreement on the size of the effort required by Customer from AlphaPort. AlphaPort shall charge Customer for the costs it incurs in connection with the exit period on the basis of subsequent calculation.
15.19. Information about new features, price changes or scheduled maintenance will be provided on the software’s web pages, the online community or via e-mail.
15.20. Notifications regarding order confirmations, information of special interest, security or privacy, will be sent to the email address of the primary contact person.
15.21. Customer is responsible for providing current contact information at all times, including a primary maintained contact email.
15.22. All notices shall be deemed sent and effective immediately when sent or posted by AlphaPort.
16.1. The Agreement and the General Conditions shall be governed by Dutch law. All disputes arising from or related to the Agreement and the General Conditions shall be settled by the competent court in the district where AlphaPort has its registered office.
APPENDIX 1: Processor agreement
1. Introduction
1.1 This Schedule 1 applies to Processing (as defined herein) of Personal Data (as defined herein) by Processor on behalf of Controller under the Agreement.
2. Definitions
2.1 The definitions Controller, Data Subject, Personal Data, Personal Data Breach, Processing, Processor and Sensitive Data (Special Personal Data Categories) in this Schedule 1 shall have the same meaning as used in EU 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (the “AVG”).
3. Applicability
3.1. Schedule 1 governs the Processing of Personal Data by the Processor on behalf of the Controller, and outlines how the Processor will contribute to ensuring privacy on behalf of the Controller and its registered Data Subjects, through technical and organizational measures in accordance with applicable privacy legislation, including the AVG.
3.2. The objective of the Processing of Personal Data by the Processor on behalf of the Controller is the execution of the Agreement.
3.3. Schedule 1 shall prevail over conflicting provisions relating to the Processing of Personal Data in the General Terms and Conditions or in other previous agreements or written communications between the Parties.
4. Rights and obligations of the Processor
4.1. The Processor shall Process Personal Data only on behalf of and in accordance with the Controller’s written instructions. By this Schedule 1, the Controller instructs the Processor to process Personal Data in the following manner; i) only in accordance with applicable law, ii) to fulfill all obligations under the Agreement, iii) as further specified through the Controller’s ordinary use of the Processor’s Services and iv) as specified in this Agreement.
4.2. The Processor has no reason to believe that legislation applicable to it prevents the Processor from carrying out the above instructions. The Processor shall, as soon as it becomes aware thereof, notify the Processor of any instructions or other Processing Activities by the Processor that, in the Processor’s opinion, violate applicable privacy laws.
4.3. The categories of Data Subjects and Personal Data subject to Processing pursuant to this Schedule 1 are set forth in Appendix A.
4.4. The Processor shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Personal Data in accordance with the privacy laws applicable to the Processor. The Processor shall take systematic, organizational and technical measures to ensure an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art and the cost of implementation in relation to the risk represented by the Processing and the nature of the Personal Data to be protected.
4.5. The Processor shall assist the Controller with appropriate technical and organizational measures, to the extent possible and taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor, in complying with the Controller’s obligations under applicable privacy laws with respect to the request of Data Subjects, and general compliance with privacy laws under GDPR Articles 32 to 36.
4.6. If the Processor requires information or assistance regarding security measures, documentation or other forms of information regarding the way the Processor processes Personal Data, and such requests go beyond the standard information provided by the Processor to comply with applicable privacy laws as a Processor, the Processor may charge the Processor for such request for additional services.
4.7. The Processor and its personnel shall ensure confidentiality with respect to the Personal Data that is the subject of Processing in accordance with the Agreement. This provision shall also apply after termination of the Agreement.
4.8. The Processor shall, by notifying the Processor without undue delay, enable the Processor to comply with legal requirements regarding notification to data authorities or Data Subjects about privacy incidents.
Furthermore, to the extent appropriate and lawful, the Processor shall notify the Controller of:
(i) requests for disclosure of Personal Data received from a Data Subject,
(ii) requests for disclosure of Personal Data by public authorities, such as, but not limited to, the police.
4.9. The Processor shall not respond directly to requests from Data Subjects unless authorized in writing by the Controller. The Processor shall not provide any information associated with this Schedule 1 to governmental authorities, such as the police, including Personal Data, unless required to do so by law, such as through a court order or similar order.
4.10. The Processor has no control over whether and how the Processor uses third party integrations via the Processor’s API (or similar), and the Processor therefore accepts no liability in connection therewith. The Controller is solely responsible for third party integrations.
4.11. The Processor may process Personal Data about users and the Controller’s use of the Services when necessary to obtain feedback and improve the Services. The Controller grants the Processor the right to use and analyze aggregated data about system activities related to your use of the Services for the purpose of optimizing, improving or enhancing the way we provide our Services and to enable us to create new features and functionality related to the Services. AlphaPort is considered the data controller for such processing and the processing is therefore not subject to this Agreement.
4.12. In using the Services, the Processor shall add data to the Software (“Customer Data”). The Controller acknowledges and has no objection to the Processor using the Customer Data in an aggregated and anonymized format for improving the services provided to customers, research, training, educational and/or statistical purposes.
5. Rights and obligations of Processor.
5.1 The Controller confirms by accepting this Schedule 1 that:
● it is legally authorized to Process and disclose the Personal Data in question to Processor (including sub-processors engaged by Processor).
● it bears responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, content, reliability and lawfulness of the Processed Personal Data as disclosed to Processor.
● it has complied with its obligations to provide relevant information to Data Subjects and supervisory authorities regarding the Processing of Personal Data in accordance with mandatory data protection legislation.
● it will not, when receiving the Services from Processor under the Agreement, disclose/disclose any Sensitive Data to Processor, unless explicitly agreed in Appendix A to this Agreement.
6. Engaging third parties for Processor and data transfers.
6.1 As part of the provision of Services to Processor in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions and this Agreement, Processor shall engage third parties (sub-processors) in the performance of this Schedule 1 and Processor gives its general consent for Processor to be allowed to engage said sub-processors. These sub-processors may be companies within the AlphaPort group or external third parties. Processor shall ensure that sub-processors agree to accept the responsibilities and corresponding obligations as laid down in this Schedule 1.
6.2 A list of current sub-processors with access to Personal Data is available in the AlphaPort Trust Centre and viewable via this website: https://www.AlphaPort.nl/trust-centre/product-search/. The Processor may engage other EU/EEA-based AlphaPort Software companies as sub-processors without the AlphaPort company being listed in the Trust Center and without prior approval or notification to the Controller. This is usually done for the purpose of development, support, operations, etc. Controller may request more detailed information about sub-processors from Processor.
6.3 If sub-processors are located outside the EU, Processor shall authorize Processor to transfer Personal Data for the benefit of Processor outside the borders of the EU, so as to ensure sound legal bases for this purpose, by agreeing on the EU Model Clauses (“EU Model Clauses”).
6.4 The Controller shall be notified in advance of any change of sub-processors processing Personal Data. If the Controller objects to a new sub-processor within 30 days of the notification, the Processor and the Controller shall review documentation of the sub-processor’s compliance efforts to ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws. If the Processor still objects and has reasonable grounds to do so, the Controller may terminate the Agreement with the Processor. The Controller may object to the use of a sub-processor within 30 days of notification. However, due to the nature of online standard software in particular, the Customer may not be able to object to the use of sub-processors. In such a case, the Customer may terminate the customer relationship.
7. Security
7.1. The Processor undertakes to provide a high level of security in its products and Services. The Processor provides its level of security through organizational, technical and physical security measures, in accordance with the requirements for information security measures set forth in the AVG, Article 32.
8. Inspection rights
8.1 The Controller may inspect Processor’s compliance with this Schedule 1 up to once per year. If required by legislation applicable to the Processor, the Processor may request more frequent audits. To request an audit, the Controller shall submit a detailed audit plan to the Processor at least four weeks prior to the proposed audit date, describing the proposed scope, duration and start date of the audit. If a third party is to conduct the audit, this must be mutually agreed upon in writing between the parties. However, if the processing environment is a “multitenant” environment or similar, the Controller shall authorize the Processor to decide for security reasons that the audits be conducted by a neutral third-party auditor of the Processor’s choice.
8.2 If the requested scope of audit is addressed in an ISAE, ISO or similar assurance report performed by a qualified third-party auditor within the preceding twelve months, and Processor confirms that there are no known material changes to the audited measures, Processor agrees to accept those findings in lieu of requesting a new audit of the measures covered by the report.
8.3 In any event, audits shall be conducted during normal business hours at the relevant facility, subject to Processor’s policies, and shall not unreasonably interfere with Processor’s business operations.
8.4 Processor shall be responsible for all costs arising from the audits requested by Processor. Processor’s requests for assistance may be subject to charges.
9. Duration and Termination.
9.1 Schedule 1 is valid for as long as the Processor processes Personal Data on behalf of the Controller in the Agreement or as otherwise agreed in Appendix A.
9.2 Schedule 1 shall automatically terminate upon termination of the Agreement. Upon termination of Attachment 1, the Processor shall delete or return Personal Data processed on behalf of the Controller in accordance with the applicable clauses in the Agreement. Such deletion will take place as soon as reasonably practicable, unless EU or local law requires further storage. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the cost of such actions will be based on; i) hourly rates for the time spent by Processor and ii) the complexity of the requested process.
10. Changes and Amendments.
10.1 Amendments to Schedule 1 shall be incorporated in a new Appendix to this Schedule 1 and shall enter into force after both Parties have signed it.
10.2 If any provision of Schedule 1 is invalid, this shall not affect the remaining provisions. The Parties shall replace the void provision with a lawful provision that reflects the purpose of the void provision.
11. Liability
11.1 For the avoidance of misunderstanding, Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that each Party shall be liable and responsible for the payment of administrative fines and damages to Data Subjects if such payment obligation is imposed on such Party by the relevant personal data authority or a competent court in accordance with applicable law. Liability issues between the Parties will be governed by the relevant provisions regarding liability as agreed upon in the General Terms and Conditions.
12. Applicable law and choice of forum.
12.1 Schedule 1 shall be governed by the applicable law of the General Conditions. The competent court specified in the General Terms and Conditions shall have jurisdiction to hear disputes surrounding this Agreement mutatis mutandis.
Appendix A – Categories of Personal Data and Data Subjects.
A.1 Categories of Data Subjects.
End users of the customer
❖ customer employees
❖ customer contact persons
A.2 Categories of Personal Data.
❖ contact information, such as name, phone, address, email, etc.
❖ job information, such as position, company, etc.
A.3 Purpose of Processing.
The purpose of the processing of personal data by the Data Controller on behalf of the Controller is to provide services in accordance with the Agreement in the broadest sense such as and not limited to, for example, developing, testing, maintaining and supporting the Service.
A.4 Nature of Processing.
The processing of personal data by the Processor on behalf of the Controller mainly relates to (the nature of the processing), the processing carried out by AlphaPort in the broadest sense and not limited to, for example, storing/hosting, registering, testing, modifying/editing, reporting, sending.
A.5 Duration of Processing:
The duration of the processing of personal data is as long as the Agreement applies.
Appendix B – Overview of current third parties (“sub-processors”).
Current sub-processors of Processor with access to Processor’s Personal Data at the time of signing the Agreement include:
– Mollie
– Microsoft
– Accounting packages being: e-Accounting, Exact, Snelstart
– Webshop being: CCV Shop, Lightspeed, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopware, PrestaShop etc …
Sendcloud, DHL etc …
The Processor may engage other EU/EEA based companies of the AlphaPort Software as sub-processors without the AlphaPort company being mentioned above and without prior approval or notification to the Controller. This is usually done for the purpose of development, support, activities of the Service.